Thursday, December 4, 2008

Resources Of New Hampshire Houseplants Can Be In Danger This Winter Season

For all those in New Hampshire who just love houseplants, better be careful with them since winter months are on the way. Houseplants may just be considered as a decorative item that brings color inside the home for some but for those who are utterly bewildered by their presence, they bring joy, comfort and also companionship.

The coming winter months in New Hampshire will cause problems to those greenish colored beings inside the home since during these months, there will be less sunlight and the air inside the homes will become drier. Also, since most houseplants are tropical, they prefer humid conditions and not dry.

There are a lot of resources for those house residents in New Hampshire who want to know how to take care of houseplants.

Over watering by houseplant lovers in New Hampshire is the most common killer of houseplants. When a houseplant has been over-watered, it will cause its resources to droop and the root to rot. One problem with over-watering is that most people don't know when to stop. The only way to find out if the house plant is still healthy and not rotten is to check the resources of the plant itself. That includes checking the roots itself by removing the plant from the pot and carefully examining the roots if they are still firm and seeing if they have white roots. A good indication if the roots are healthy is if there are white roots present and not brown, tan or gray roots that signify rotten ones. Under watering can also happen to plants if the plant is located in a southern window or if the plant is too close to a place where it is hot.

Over fertilization is also a usual occurrence for plants in New Hampshire. During the winter months, resources of fertilization can be reduced. An indication of over fertilization of plants is when tip burns occur on the leaves. Another indication is the build up of soluble salt.

Resources of insects like mealy bugs or whiteflies and scale insects or aphids can also live in your houseplants, which can cause the growth of a sticky substance called honeydew on the surface of the leaves or on the surface where the plant is on.

Spider mites can also pose problems when the air in the home in New Hampshire becomes hot and dry. Spider mites can be observed when the upper surface of the leaves appears stippled or silvery and the lower surface appears dirty with cast exoskeletons and excrement.

There are a lot of environmental resources in New Hampshire that can be tapped to save houseplants from dying. Some are the following: water the plants only when necessary and thoroughly and not on a regular basis, move the plants to a sunnier window and if necessary use a humidifier to increase the humidity and group the plants closer together. With regards to insects, the resource that one can tap is a simple wiping off with a Q-tip dip in alcohol, spraying of the plants and misting them regularly.

Samson Paulotti reports on issues affecting homeowners for New Hampshire Restoration and The Restoration Resource New Hampshire

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